I en nyligen genomförd studie svarade 60 procent av tillfrågade CIOs och IT-chefer att de förväntar sig en minskad IT budget till följd av pandemin.
Men samtidigt uppmanas många att hitta vägar att påskynda sin digitala transformation för att skapa en förbättrad kund- och användarupplevelse.
Med Gigamon behöver du lyckligtvis inte välja mellan att spara pengar eller påskynda dina digitala transformationsinitiativ. Genom att investera en del av din befintliga verktygsbudget i Gigamon kan du öka effektiviteten och ROI på många av dina befintliga nätverks- och säkerhetsverktyg.
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Five Reasons You Don’t Need New Budget to Buy Gigamon

Martyn Crew, Director of Solutions Marketing Gigamon
In a recent study, 60 percent of CIOs and IT executives surveyed said that they expect a decline in their budgets as a result of the pandemic. But at the same time, many CIOs and IT Managers are being told to find ways to accelerate digital transformation to provide an improved customer and user experience.
Fortunately, with Gigamon, you don’t have to choose between saving money and accelerating your digital transformation initiatives. By investing some of your existing tools budget in Gigamon, you can increase the efficiency and ROI for many of your existing network and security tools.
You may already know that, for seven years running, Gigamon has been the IHS leader in providing visibility across all the data on your network and in the datacenter, virtual environments and the cloud. What you may not know is that Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric™ can also reduce traffic to your network and security tools by up to 90 percent. That means you can increase the efficiency of the tools you have in place and realize a significant return on investment.
Next, let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons why you don’t need new budget to buy Gigamon.
REASON #1: De-Duplication
According to research by the Public University of Navarre, duplicate network packets represent more than 50 percent of network traffic — in some cases even as much as 85 or 90 percent of traffic.
There’s no need for your network tools to sift through and process all these duplicated packets. Although some network tools can perform de-duplication, these operations place a heavy burden on their resources.
It’s much more efficient to tackle de-duplication from a centralized point on the network and then share the clean traffic with all the tools that need to consume it. Gigamon offers a centralized de-duplication solution that reduces duplicate packets by 50 percent in most cases.
REASON #2: Application Filtering
As more organizations move to work-from-home environments with heavy video streaming, application filtering has become more important than ever. Gigamon Application Filtering Intelligence gives you the power to direct specific application flows to only the tools that need to see them.
When you remove irrelevant or low-risk application traffic such as video streams, antivirus pushes and Windows updates, you can increase tool efficiency and effectiveness.
We’ve seen Application Filtering Intelligence typically reduce traffic to tools by 50 percent.
REASON #3: Flow Mapping
Where Application Filtering works at the application level, Flow Mapping® does its job at the port level. Part of the GigaVUE® OS, Flow Mapping lets you map the most relevant traffic — like flows from specific TCP ports, to the tools you specify, while filtering out the rest.
Our customers who have applied Flow Mapping have seen 20 to 30 percent traffic reduction to their tools.
REASON #4: NetFlow
NetFlow is another opportunity to boost tool efficiency. Using network traffic metadata instead of raw packets enables far lower amounts of traffic to be sent to monitoring tools.
Gigamon generates full-fidelity, unsampled NetFlow, to remove that resource burden from your routers and switches. The result is a reduction of more than 95 percent in traffic to tools that rely on NetFlow, such as network performance monitoring tools.
REASON #5: Backward Tools Compatibility
Finally, the Gigamon Visibility and Analytics Fabric has a cool feature that handles speed mismatches between your existing tools and network.
This means that when you upgrade your network speed, tools you originally bought to run at 1 or 10 Gbps can be matched to run on 25, 40 or 100 Mbps networks — potentially saving you hundreds of thousands of dollars in upgrade costs.
So Now What? Let the Gigamon Value Calculator Show You…
To show you how much traffic you could eliminate to your tools and how much money you could potentially save with Gigamon, we have developed an online value calculator.
If you can find five minutes and answer five simple questions, we can give you an immediate cost saving and payback period from using Gigamon. Plus, we will send you a professionally produced report that will provide you with even greater detail on your potential savings over one, three and five years.
Calculate your savings with Gigamon.
BONUS: Savings Today, More Savings Tomorrow
Looking to the future, Gigamon also minimizes the need to add new tools capacity to your network to keep pace with increases in data growth driven by new digital transformation initiatives to meet market demand. That means your Gigamon return on investment increases year-over-year as your business grows.
Watch the Video
If you’d like to learn more about how Gigamon can boost the return on investment and performance of your existing tools and accelerate digital transformation, watch the video, “Five Reasons You Don’t Need a New Budget to Buy Gigamon.”